‘8 OCD Self-Help Principles’ Charity Fundraiser


The ‘8 OCD Self-Help Principles’ charity print

At the 2019 IOCDF conference, Reid Wilson, Ph.D. accepted the Patricia Perkins service award in style. His acceptance speech, condensing decades of research and experience into 8 self-help principles, has guided and inspired so many, including myself!

With Reid’s permission, I was excited to doodle the 8 principles and create a charity art print to promote Reid’s message.

In support of my international followers, 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the IOCDF.

Thank you to our partners @FYIPrinthouse for making this possible.

A big thank you to NOCD (@treatmyocd) for sponsoring this work.

Prefer a digital copy?

If you would like an instant download, or to print multiple copies to use with your clients, you can support our fundraiser by purchasing one of our digital art licenses. This bundle contains the art print aswell as 10 individual square images and a printable handout.

‘OCD in 100 doodles’ Charity Fundraiser


The ‘OCD in 100 doodles’ charity print is back

Created by OCD doodles for the #CaptainTom100 challenge, this charity art print is a great focal point for a clinic waiting room or office wall!

The best bit?

100 % of proceeds will continue to be donated to OCD Action.

Thank you so much to everybody that has supported the fundraiser so far!

100 % of the proceeds from this print will continue to be donated to OCD Action. ***At the last tally we had raised £2000 and counting***

Thank you to our partners @FYIPrinthouse for making this possible.

‘OCD in 100 doodles’

Prefer a digital copy?

If you would like an instant download, or would like to print multiple copies to use with your clients, you can still support our fundraiser by purchasing one of our digital art licenses.

Want to help us spread awareness?

Simply click on your favourite post below and hit the share button!

Your support is much appreciated, thank you.